Ryder Cup 2023

Ryder Cup 2023 Thumbnail
We are pleased to announce this year's Ryder Cup against HSG (7 & 8 October). We will play with 16 players per team over two days (Saturday: Greensome in Langenstein + Sunday: Single Matches in Steisslingen) on two different courses and we will stay overnight at the Hotel Lamm in Singen as in previous years.

Die Kosten betragen circa 170-200 EUR* (2x Greenfee, Übernachtung, inkl. Frühstück, Doppel-/oder Einzelzimmer). Anmelden kann man sich bis zum 4. September.

Due to the popularity of the event, the board reserves the right to select players. The winner of the matchplay is automatically qualified.

Social viewing: Ryder Cup

Social Viewing: Ryder Cup 2023 Thumbnail
On the final day of this year's Ryder Cup, we are offering a social viewing event in the Grain Bar (1.10.23 - from 18:00).

Zu essen gibt es “Chicken Burger with Chips / Vegan Burger with Chips” für 10 CHF / Person (inkl. 15 CHF Zuschuss des Golfclubs).

The event is limited to 25 people - first come first serve. Please indicate in the comments section of your registration if you would like to order the vegetarian option.

Die Anmeldung ist bis zum 24.09. offen.

Season Matchplay

Season Matchplay 2023 Thumbnail

This year's Season Matchplay starts in mid-April. The format will be 1 vs. 1 net matchplays after the first round. (Previously 3-person matchplays due to the high number of participants of 24.) 4 rounds will be played in a knockout format.

Where and when the respective match games are played is up to the players themselves (a time window of about one month is provided for each round). As usual, a place in the Ryder Cup team against the HSG is guaranteed for the winner.

Be there and look forward to exciting matches!
Registration Deadline: 1. April 2023


Wir freuen uns, Euch den diesjährigen Ryder-Cup gegen die HSG anzukündigen (8./9. Oktober). Gespielt wird mit 16 Spielern pro Team über zwei Tage (Samstag: Greensome + Sonntag: Single Matches) im schönen Golfclub Konstanz und wir übernachten wie in den vergangenen Jahren im Hotel Lamm in Singen. Die Kosten betragen circa 190 EUR* (2x Greenfee, Übernachtung, inkl. Frühstück). Anmelden kann man sich bis zum 11. September.
Due to the popularity of the event, the board reserves the right to select players. The winner of the matchplay is automatically qualified.

*Dieser Betrag gilt für ASG Club Mitglieder. ASGI & Migros Golfcard müssen im Golfclub Konstanz mehr Greenfee bezahlen.

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