Season End

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On 15.10. we will play our Season-End 2-Person-Scramble over 18 holes at Golfpark Otelfingen for the second time!
The tee times are from 11:40 to 12:50 and after the tournament we will have dinner together at Johnnie Lee Pan Asian in Buchs and crown the winners.
Please indicate in the comments section of your registration if you would like to eat vegetarian or non-vegetarian food, the Asian buffet costs 27CHF per person.

The tournament only has 32 spots (16 teams of 2), so first come first served applies. Registrations can be submitted as a team of 2 (please write team partner in the comments) or alone, teams will then be formed from the individual entries.

Registration period: 24.09. - 08.10.
Cancellations must be submitted by email by the registration deadline.

Please also write your home club and current handicap in the comments.
Costs: The greenfee and food each need to be paid individually on site.

Fondue Evening

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We are looking forward to organising a fondue evening again this year. We will meet on Saturday 9 December at 19:00 in the Restaurant Tessin Grotto (Waidbadstrasse 151, 8037 Zurich).

Part of the meal (Fonduta ticinese) will be covered by the club (price then approx. CHF 15).

As the restaurant only has a limited number of seats (max. 20 participants), first come first serve applies!

You can register until 30 November 2023.

General assembly

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Our 2023 season is coming to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment and trust. We are very happy that we were able to organise numerous events with you. With the end of the season comes the general assembly.

This will take place on 18 November at The Grain restaurant in Zurich from 17:00. This year we will have a pub quiz together beforehand. Please let us know in the registration form if you would like to be on the team with someone. There are also great prizes to be won.

You can find the agenda of the General Assembly here . You can register until 1.11.

Ryder Cup 2023

Ryder Cup 2023 Thumbnail
We are pleased to announce this year's Ryder Cup against HSG (7 & 8 October). We will play with 16 players per team over two days (Saturday: Greensome in Langenstein + Sunday: Single Matches in Steisslingen) on two different courses and we will stay overnight at the Hotel Lamm in Singen as in previous years.

Die Kosten betragen circa 170-200 EUR* (2x Greenfee, Übernachtung, inkl. Frühstück, Doppel-/oder Einzelzimmer). Anmelden kann man sich bis zum 4. September.

Due to the popularity of the event, the board reserves the right to select players. The winner of the matchplay is automatically qualified.
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