Night golfing

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Am 11.05. spielen wir wieder unser traditionelles 9 Loch Nachtgolf Turnier im Golfpark Zürichsee (Nuolen)!

Wir treffen uns um 19:15 zum gemeinsamen Abendessen im Clubhaus und beginnen das Turnier im Anschluss mit Einbruch der Dunkelheit. Leuchtende Bälle werden von uns gestellt. Das Turnier hat nur 24 Plätze, also gilt first come first served.

Anmeldezeitraum: 25.04. – 04.05.
Costs: Green fee (20 CHF, special price) and pasta (30 CHF, must be paid directly on site)

Please let us know when you register if you have any food restrictions/allergies.

LZ Cup 2024

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We are pleased to announce the third edition of the team competition against the colleges from Lausanne (LZ Cup) on 27 and 28 April. The tournament will take place over the weekend at the Golf du Val de Sorne in France. The tournament will be played in 3 teams (ETHZ & UZH, EHL, EPFL & UNIL) as a Greensome-Matchplay.

As usual for all team competitions of our club, the Captains Pick applies to the LZ Cup - we will select the most active and strongest playing members from all entries. The team will be announced at the beginning of April.

Registration Period: 17.03 - 31.03.

Please also write your home club and current handicap in the comments.
Costs: The greenfees (2 x 42 EUR) and the overnight stay in Lons-le-Saunier (ca. 47 EUR).

Summer Cup 2024

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Es freut uns auch dieses Jahr, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Migros Golfcard ein Turnier anzukündigen. Wir spielen den Summer Cup 2024 als Ersatz für das ins Wasser gefallene Season Opening in Otelfingen.
Wir spielen Einzel Stableford und vorgabewirksam.
Freitag, 19. Juli; Teetimes von 13:00 bis 15:00; 18 Loch
Anmeldezeitraum: 29.05. – 10.07.
Cancellations must be submitted by email by the registration deadline.

The tournament has 24 Plätze first come first served. As an exception, you can also register for the tournament with a valid ASVZ membership.
Cost: The total cost is CHF 80, including green fee, starter gift, food and drink after the tournament and prizes for the winners!

Summer Cup

Summer Cup 2023 Thumbnail
Nachdem das Season Opening dieses Jahr leider ins Wasser gefallen ist, freut es uns ausserordentlich in Zusammenarbeit mit der Migros Golfcard wie im letzten Jahr doch ein Handicap wirksames Turnier anzukündigen (Freitag 14. Juli; Teetimes von 13:00 bis 15:00; 18 Loch).

The tournament only has 40 places, so first come first served. As an exception, registration for the tournament can also be made with a valid ASVZ membership.

Anmeldezeitraum: 12.05. – 01.07.
Cancellations must be submitted by email by the registration deadline.
Costs: Thanks to the sponsorship of the Migros Golfcard, the 18-hole round is available for CHF 50 + CHF 30 tournament evaluation. In addition, there is a small starting gift AND, after the round, bratwurst, salad and Bürli as well as the first drinks (free of charge). Prizes for the respective winners will also be provided.
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