Worst-Ball Scramble

Worst-Ball Scramble am 04. April 2025 in Basel

⛳ Worst-Ball Scramble – Basel Edition ⛳

Leute, es wird wild! Am 04. April 2025 steigt unser Worst-Ball Scramble im Golf & Country Club Basel – ein Turnier, das euer Golfspiel (und eure Nerven) auf die Probe stellt! 😅

🔥 Die Hard Facts:
📍 Wo? Golf & Country Club Basel
📅 Wann? 04. April 2025, ab 13:00
🏌️‍♂️ Format? Worst-Ball Scramble (ja, der schlechtere Ball zählt… 🫠) 4er-Flights 2 vs 2.
⛳ HCP? Maximal 36 – also haut die Drives raus!
💰 Kosten? Maximal 50.- CHF (Details folgen noch)
🍴 Abendessen wird vermutlich dabei sein (noch nicht ganz sicher)

Das wird kein klassisches Turnier – sondern eine Challenge mit jeder Menge Spass & Chaos! 😜

🔜 Die Anmeldung ist jetzt möglich und ist offen bis zum 21. März! Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 16 begrenzt. Bitte gebt euer Handicap und euren Heimatclub bei der Anmeldung an.


⛳ Worst-Ball Scramble – Basel Edition ⛳

It’s getting wild! On April 4th, we will play our Worst-Ball Scramble at the Golf and Country Club Basel – a tournament which will test your game (and your nerves…)! 😅

🔥 Hard Facts:
📍 Where? Golf and Country Club Basel
📅 When? April 4th 2025, 1pm
🏌️‍♂️ Format? Worst-Ball Scramble (yes, the worst ball counts… 🫠) in flights of 4 (2 vs. 2)
⛳ HCP? Max. 36 – so let your drive go wild!
💰 Costs? Max. 50.- CHF (details will follow)
🍴 Dinner might be included (not yet sure)

This is not going to be a classic tournament – more like a challenge with a lot of fun and chaos! 😜

🔜 Sign-up is now available on our website and is open until March 21! There are only 16 spots available. Please also enter your handicap and home course.

After Study Cup 1

We are pleased to announce 3 After Study Cups! We will play 6 holes Champions Course in Otelfingen from 18:00. There are lots of prizes and an overall ranking for all three tournaments! We are looking forward to seeing you.🏌️‍♀️🏌️‍♂️⛳
Here you can find all information!

Night golfing

Nachtgolf 2024 Thumbnail
Am 11.05. spielen wir wieder unser traditionelles 9 Loch Nachtgolf Turnier im Golfpark Zürichsee (Nuolen)!

Wir treffen uns um 19:15 zum gemeinsamen Abendessen im Clubhaus und beginnen das Turnier im Anschluss mit Einbruch der Dunkelheit. Leuchtende Bälle werden von uns gestellt. Das Turnier hat nur 24 Plätze, also gilt first come first served.

Anmeldezeitraum: 25.04. – 04.05.
Costs: Green fee (20 CHF, special price) and pasta (30 CHF, must be paid directly on site)

Please let us know when you register if you have any food restrictions/allergies.

Season Matchplay

Matchplay 2024 Thumbnail

This year's Season Matchplay starts in mid-May. The format after the first round is 1 vs. 1 net matchplay. (Previously 3 matchplays due to the high number of participants of 24.) 4 rounds will be played in a knockout format.

Where and when the respective matchplays are played is up to the players themselves (a time window of approx. one month is planned for each round). As usual, the winner is guaranteed a place in the Ryder Cup team against the HSG.⛳️☀️🏆

Be there and look forward to exciting matches!
 Registration deadline is the 9th of May.

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