General assembly

GV2023 Thumbnail
Our 2023 season is coming to an end and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment and trust. We are very happy that we were able to organise numerous events with you. With the end of the season comes the general assembly.

This will take place on 18 November at The Grain restaurant in Zurich from 17:00. This year we will have a pub quiz together beforehand. Please let us know in the registration form if you would like to be on the team with someone. There are also great prizes to be won.

You can find the agenda of the General Assembly here . You can register until 1.11.

GA with Fantasy Minigolf

We are pleased to invite you to our Annual General Assembly on 03.12.22.
This year we will play Fantasy Minigolf with black light together in Winterthur beforehand (14:00 / joint arrival from the HB will be announced in the WhatsApp chat).
The GA will then take place at The Grain restaurant in Zürich. The costs for the mini-golf will be covered by the association. Please pay for the dinner at the GA yourself in the evening at the restaurant. The agenda and the budget for 2023 can be found in the group chat.

Please register early (by 25.11.22 at the latest) on our website. Please indicate whether you want to participate in the mini-golf & whether you would like to eat vegetarian food 😊


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