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LZ Cup

3. May - 4. May

LZ Cup 2025 Thumbnail

We are pleased to announce the 4th edition of the team competition against the colleges from Lausanne (LZ Cup) on 3rd and 4th May. The tournament will take place over the weekend in the Lake Constance region in Germany. Depending on the number of participants we will organize teams and matchplay format.
As usual for all team competitions of our club, the Captains Pick applies to the LZ Cup - we will select the most active and strongest playing members from all entries. The team will be announced at the beginning of April.

Registration Period: 27.01 - 31.03.

Please also write your home club and current handicap in the comments.
Costs: The greenfees (2 x ~45 EUR) and the overnight stay at Hotel Lamm (ca. 70 EUR).


3. May
4. May
Event Category:


Golfclub Steißlingen
Brunnenstraße 4B
Steißlingen, 78256 Germany
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